4 Tips For Streamlining Client Communication & Document Delivery

Apr 05, 2023

In today's digital age, client communication has never been more important for Tax Professionals. However, with so many communication channels available, it can be tough to find a secure way to share sensitive information with clients. 

That's where TaxDome comes in. 

In this article, we'll be outlining four tips to help you streamline your client communication and document delivery process using TaxDome!



Tip #1: Breadcrumb Your Communications

Have you ever felt like your clients are just not paying attention to your requests? It can be frustrating when you send them an email with ten different things to do, only to receive back one or two of the items completed. One solution is to break down your communications into bite-sized pieces using automation.

By guiding your clients through your process one step at a time, you'll reduce the chances of overwhelming them with too many tasks at once. This way, you can ensure that each task is completed correctly and on time, without adding extra stress or frustration to the process.

Tip #2: Ensure Timely Communications

Timing is everything in client communication, and this is especially true when it comes to tax season. One way to ensure timely communication with your clients is to only ask for what you need at the exact moment in the process. By doing so, you'll find that your clients will be more likely to follow through with your requests.

For example, if you need your clients to provide you with a particular document before you can proceed with their tax preparation, make sure you ask for it right away. If you wait too long to make the request, your clients may forget about it or put it off until later, causing delays in the process.

Tip #3: Remember There are Two Ways of Communicating in TaxDome

When it comes to communication in TaxDome, there are two main methods: email and secure messaging in the client portal. Email is not secure, which means it should only be used for informational purposes, such as asking your client to schedule an appointment or log in to TaxDome.

The secure messaging feature in the client portal should be used for all sensitive documents and information sharing. This method of communication is encrypted, which means it's secure and protects your clients' data.

Tip #4: Only Send Messages When the Content is Not Visible

In TaxDome, there's a setting that allows clients to reply to messages via email. However, this can be problematic because the content of the message can be sensitive and email is not a secure channel. To ensure that your client’s sensitive information is NOT visible in messages, make sure this setting is toggled "OFF" in TaxDome.

By following these four tips, you can streamline your client communication and document delivery process, while also ensuring the security of your client's information. Automation is a powerful tool for Tax Professionals, and with the right strategies in place, you can make the most of it.

TaxDome is an excellent tool for Tax Professionals looking to streamline their communication and document delivery process while ensuring the security of their client's information. By using automation, breaking down communications into bite-sized pieces, ensuring timely communication, and utilizing secure messaging, you can make the most of this powerful platform.

We hope these tips have been helpful in your automation journey! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about TaxDome, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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